Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Life's Theme...

I will now attempt because I'm not paying attention in this class I'm in to make these potential life themes.

Professional Student: This is my last resort, and I would honestly never do it to myself but hell it needs to be a possibility. I do not want to be in college forever, that's just ridiculous.

Soccer mom: I pray to Bob that my kids won't want to play soccer. As much as I avoided attending games in high school, I'd like to not have to go and actually be interested... that's cruel and unusual. So we can change "Soccer" mom to "basketball" mom or some other indoor masculine if they're male contact sport... would I be stay at home or work my hindpart off...hehe, hindpart

Stay at Home mom: This one, I'm not anxious about....but totally prepared. I'm convinced I'm the 3rd best home-cooking chef in the world[next to my dad and his mom]...many people who've eaten my food agree. As far as cleaning, when I have to the room is immaculate...if I don't have to, I'll hire someone. I've always been somewhat of an oxymoron a traveling I don't know if I'd necessarily be at home all of the time...I think I've watched Stepford Wives enough to grasp the concept of Home Executive Engineer...Antonio Banderas once said, "She needs to be honest, loyal, and young enough to bare children." So, Conceive, Cook, Sex, Hire Cleaning, Sex, Watch kids, Sex...hmm, is that one really that bad...We got this ladies

Working Wife & Mother, College Professor Edition: this is my actual aspiration, but I don't know if I want to profess at a community college or a 4 year university, if the latter, I'd probably only do entry level. I signed a contract with myself that I'd not acquire a degree above a Masters. I don't need Dr. infront of my name...and I know I'd be too lazy to write a dissertation. Even with my job, I'd manage my family...I feel like moms are family managers, I don't mean in a sense of property, just in a mean of keeping everything sane and organized for the family. Since manage sounds weird, I will say I would still devote a large amount of time to my family. And yay for nastytime with whoever my husband will be. And well, if something happens and I don't get my Masters...I'll teach high school or something...or find some career completely unrelated to my major...perhaps I'll work in a museum forever...

Military Wife: If for some reason I end up marrying some guy in the military, we will have to move around a lot I believe...and with my career choice it won't be that hard to find a job in our new city. I suppose I'm ready for that type of most military mothers I'd try to make my kids's childhood as normal as possible. I have many cousins who are military brats and a few people I know...and well let's just say their concept of friendship is...different. They all also have some sort of attention seeking issue...I dunno... In the event my husband was deployed...well thats one aspect I can tell you I have no idea how I'd handle it. At this point I know I'd say something like, "Don't die, don't get so lonely you start giving or taking it in the ass nor sleeping with some random that didn't bare your children...Try not to get amputated our children are assholes like us and will probably make fun of you. I love you so much."

That's all I've got for now...but my current theme is College Student Stalling to Enter The Real World By Adding on A Minor> hey hey hey, I'm graduating a year early...sue me. I'm doing that whole self discovery thing, breaking the rules, ...well I've kind of always been a wild life on the edge and whatnot ...oh yeah

P.S. I just noticed if you click the arrow on this blog that says "Sidebar" a bunch of other stuff I have shows up... if you didn't try it already...
Kudos for me for having no spelling errors in this entire entry.

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